Should I hire a CPA or use accounting software to do my taxes?

The answer to this is - it depends. If your business is new or very small without loans, assets, or employees, you can definitely make do with using your accounting software to prepare and file your taxes. Typically, solo-entrepreneurs and independent contractors in the service or sales industries fall within this category. Once your company starts acquiring loans, employees, or assets that need to be depreciated, it gets a little more complicated and CPA will be not only helpful to your organization’s strategic path but potentially beneficially in reducing your tax burden. Another consideration is your personal tax situation. If you have rental properties or multiple businesses, you are likely much better off working with a CPA.

This Q&A does not constitute legal, accounting, or tax advice and

does not address state or local law.

April Salsbury

April Salsbury, MBA is a strategist, an analyst, an operational guru, a recognized leader and C-suite global healthcare executive with drive and focus for competitive markets. Co-host of The Business Forum Show and regular contributor to various business journals, she possess multi-functional and multi-national competencies with more than 20 years experience in business and healthcare. Her expertise is in invigorating revenue growth and infusing value of lean practices in growing companies through improvements to cash flow and operations management.


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